Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Homemade Soup Day

Homemade Soup Day, 2014. This morning, around 6 a.m., I let my dogs out the back door, feeling the shimmering after-current of last night's snow storm, the awakening blast of cold air, and the beautiful scene of several inches of freshly-fallen whiteness. Looking across the Galisteo basin to the enshrouded Ortiz Mountains, the early morning light was just starting to 'pink up' the landscape, and I knew for sure that this was going to be one of those homemade soup days. My favorite soup cookbook is 'Vegetable Soups' from Deborah Madison's Kitchen, by my good friend and neighbor. It has the world in there on homemade soups, as well as recipes for stocks- Summer and Winter, wine tips with soups, restorative soups, and instructions to take you from beginning to delicious ends! The very fortunate thing that those of you can take advantage of, is gleaning fresh vegetables from your Grow Y'own hooped and covered raised bed gardens, year round! Chards, kales, spinach, carrots, onions, beets, and much, much more can be picked and put into your homemade soups, even when the weather is too adverse to garden. Baby its cold outside, but soon we'll be filled with a delectable, healthy, organic soup that will warm our insides and nourish our souls! Eat Soup! Grow Y'own! 





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