Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Many Mothers

   'Nearly all of us receive our first lessons in peaceful living from our Mothers'  The Dalai Lama

   Many Mothers is a Santa Fe-based organization which strengthens communities by providing free-of-charge, vital support and services at the pivotal time when a new baby joins a family. Part of the program- which I have been so fortunate to be a part of for 3 years- is to give a raised bed garden-complete with delivery, setup, planting, drip system and instructions for use- to over 28 Mothers and their babies. This allows the Mothers and their families, the freedom to spend more time with their children, access to organic and local food, and the relief of spending their funds, which can then be used for other early-life necessities. The gift of the free gardens was created by a wonderful benefactress who wanted to share, and to enable young Mothers to spend precious time with their newborns. Since then, others have contributed for more beds, and the program grows and grows with Grow Y'own's! More information about Many Mothers can be found at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by calling (505) 983-5984. 

   'When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed'  Maya Angelou

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