Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Holiday Gifts

How it happened so quick I don't know?! It was JUST Thanksgiving, but yes, its almost Xmas! There is still plenty of time to get something you haven't thought of- like a gift certificate for a Grow Y'own! Even though its the beginning of Winter, you can start now and get a long jump on Spring. Or, if you'd rather wait for warmer temps, then either get setup now and be ready, or give a gift that will keep on giving for years and years. You can put down 1/2 now, and the other 1/2 upon delivery, whenever! Free Food- how can you afford not to? And if not for yourself, then how about donating one to a worthy organization like Many Mothers, one of the shelters, or someone else in need? As Maya Angelou put it:

'When we give cheerfully, and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed'.

May everyone be blessed this Holiday Season with good health, a warm place to sleep, and a hot meal of nutritious food. Happy Holidays everyone!

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