Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Fall Newsletter 2012

   Its September 24th, the nights are dipping into the low 40's, the days are still warming up into the 80's, they are getting shortere, and darker, and time to plant for the Fall and Winter is NOW!

   When the nights are going to be in the low 40's and 30's, its time to get out and start putting on your Winter covers, over your Summer covers, at least for the nights. This will give your plants and young starts a chance to acclimate to the changing conditions, and have a better time of it when the sun rises later in the mornings. 

   Tomatoes, peppers, and basil are going to be the first things to start showing the stress of the cold temps. If freezing is in the forecast, I would harvest these three plants, and be joyous in the bounty. Its been a long, hot growing season, and although tomatoes and peppers came on late, there's no sense in losing what you've got. 

   Its time to cut back the kales and chards, and give the younger sprouts a chance to develop. If there are no younger sprouts showing, then let the mature plants keep going, and plant some new fresh starts  that have gotten through the first 2-3 weeks of propagation, and are ready to take off with the Fall season. Agua Fria Nursery in Santa Fe has most of the starts that you will need and want, and LOTS of them! If you can't find what you need at AFN, then Juaquin Lawrence also has loads of organic starts that he can supply you with. His # is 505 699-5444. 

   You can also start to cut back on watering, as the plants need less due to lower, sustained highs, and lesser periods of daytime heat. Every other day for the time being is normal, and your plants will enjoy the chance to dry out a little bit. 

   I just put in more arugula and lettuces, chards and kales, kohlrabis and dwarf Chinese cabbages, as well as replanting radishes. All my herbs- oregano, marjoram, parslies, sage, tarragon, chives, lemon balm, and thyme are going strong, and will once again be full going into and through the Winter.

   So Grow On! Grow Healthy! Grow Local! And Continue to Grow Y'own!!


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