Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Let it Go, Let it Grow

Let it Go, Let it Grow!

The Covers are the Key! Its no-brainer gardening with a Grow Y'own. You can start planting your GYO any time of the year, and be successful. The myth of 'its too late to start' is just that! We plant 12 months a year with starts and seeds. The Summer covers let in 85% sunlight, yet keep out the heavy duty UV sun, wind, and critters. With this kind of protection, young starts and seeds have an ample opportunity for propagation and growth.

We have units in 27 states and British Columbia, and everyone is growing successfully- most year round! So don't go by what happens in 'outdoor' gardening beds. With a Grow Y'own, you can relax, and let the bed(s) grow themselves. We put everything on automated drip, there is virtually 0 weeding, and all you have to do is pick, and plant a seed when you pull a radish, carrot, beet, or whatever. Start now, and in 3 months you'll have paid for your bed, and will be eating free food for the next 20 years!

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