Raised Bed Gardening Blog

Ides of January Cold and Wind

Its January, and the wind and cold are playing havoc with our growing season. The days are slowly getting longer, warmer, and more conducive to growing, but we've still got some Winter weather ahead. What to do? Boosting your plants with a little Age Old Growth from Agua Fria Nursery is a good start.

Things aren't really going to be erupting for another 3 weeks or so, but in the meantime, they can be getting some revitilization! I was down in Albuquerque last week with a client, and he had rigged up an ingenious new cover of space blanket material, taped together, and then laid over the pipes, and under the Summer/Winter cover setup. Inside his bed, at 10 in the morning, it was 84 degrees, and he had bunches of basil, peppers as big as my fist, and tomato starts growing strong! We're going to experiment and make a cover out of R-foil, which is used under radiant floor slabs, to keep the heat of the slab radiating back into the house. Possibly, this will become a secondary solution to the worklight/pot/bulb arrangement. We'll let you know!

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