Grow Y’own Spring 2014 Newsletter

 Hello Grow Y’owners and Happy? Spring! Most of you here in the Santa Fe area got the  rain/snow/wind/freeze last night. Aberrant to be sure, but its going to move out today and we’ll  be back to warm weather again.

Some of you have called in and said you had an aphid problem. First suggestion is spray them  off with a light spray of water. Second is to go get some ladybugs at Agua Fria Nursery and introduce  them into your bed. They will take care of business  within a couple of days. Don’t rip out your plants  unless they are infested beyond recovery. For those of you who are not from around Santa Fe, you can  check with your local nurseries for the ladies, or go online to Amazon and get a pack for $5.99 from  one of many sources. You’ll get them in @3 days.


Its time to take your Winter covers off, (after this  storm), fold them up, and put them in a safe place  away from mice. If it looks like its going to be bad weather in the weeks ahead, then be prepared to  throw them back on at night for protection. If you are in areas where you’re still in late Winter-mode, then you can leave them on, and during the nice days just fold them back up on themselves and clip them to allow the Summer covers to breathe, and  then fold them back down at night. Pots and bulbs can also be retired and stored for the Summer,  unless there is a forecast for more cold temps  

  Otherwise, get everything going for Spring. Its  NEVER too hot, too cold, or too late to plant in your Grow Y’own. Tomatoes, peppers, basil, and squash  might be a week or so premature, but by mid-May,  you should be fine to plant. With the covers on, you can probably make it anyway if you’ve already planted. Or, you can use Walls o’-Water to put over your starts, and take them off when the freezes pass.     The expansive Santa Fe Green Festival is  happening this weekend – May 17th, from 8-4 at El Museo in the Santa Fe Farmer’s Market district.  Come on out for LOTS of info on everything from  electric cars, water harvesting, sustainable  agriculture and gardening, interactive exhibits for kids, and much more!      Please call or email if you have any questions at  all, and I’m always here if you need answers or  help  

Thanks for the business, and Grow On! Ken